
The first light of dawn strikes the sky with brilliant hues of color and you know that a journey is underway.

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide…
John 15:16

Did you ever try to play a pick-up game at school or at the park where captains were chosen and then they had to pick their teams? Each person that got picked was excited and joyful at being able to be a part of the team and wanted to do their best so that their team would win. Now imagine an enormous and ongoing pick-up game where God is choosing people for his team and each person that gets chosen is excited and full of joy at being a part of such an amazing and awesome team.

That person is me and that person is you. God has a place for each of us on his team. We don’t have to sit down on the sidelines and watch dejectedly as everyone else gets to have fun. We get to join in and help the team (and tiny secret here: we win). All we have to do is stand up when God calls. It’s that simple.

Will you stand up?